Online publishing software: Key factors to evaluate while picking one!

Digital or online publishing software is an online tool to create online or digital publications without much effort and skills. The software will allow you to publish content in a variety of formats, including text files, images, videos, and more. You will be able to easily add photos, graphics, and other content to your publication too.

What are the key factors to evaluate while picking online publishing software?

1. Distribution

A key factor in choosing a digital publishing platform is how content will be distributed to readers. There are several main distribution channels:


Having your website to host content gives you maximum control and flexibility. Many digital publishing platforms allow you to publish content directly to your website or embed it seamlessly. This helps readers easily find and consume content on your site.

App stores

For content best consumed in mobile apps, publishing to app stores like the Apple App Store and Google Play provides global distribution. Some digital publishing platforms optimize and package content specifically for apps.

Social media

Sharing content natively on social platforms is crucial for discovery. Many digital publishing tools have integrations with social media sites to simplify posting content and driving traffic back to your own properties.


Email newsletters remain an effective distribution channel. Publishing platforms that enable creating email-friendly content help engage subscribers. Automated emails can also notify followers of new content.

2. Monetization

Monetization options play a role in choosing a digital publishing platform. There are a few main ways that publishers can generate revenue from digital content:

  • Advertising – Many platforms allow publishers to monetize content through display ads, video ads, native ads, and more. The platforms provide ad-serving technology and ad marketplace connections. Revenue is generated through impressions, clicks, or actions. Some platforms optimize ad placements and types to maximize revenue.
  • Subscriptions – Platforms may offer subscription capabilities allowing readers to pay for access to content. This recurring revenue stream helps fund content creation. Subscription models include paywalls, membership programs, premium content access, and e-commerce purchasing. Subscriptions can be managed directly or via third-party services.
  • E-commerce – Publishers can sell products, services, and virtual goods associated with their content. Digital platforms provide tools to showcase products, facilitate transactions, and integrate with payment systems. E-commerce can include direct product sales, affiliates, online courses, virtual tips/gifts, and more. This gives readers ways to financially support creators.

When evaluating publishing platforms, publishers should assess monetization options, flexibility, revenue sharing, analytics, and partner connections. The platform’s monetization tools can impact a publisher’s business model and revenue potential. A variety of options allows publishers to diversify income streams and optimize monetization.

3. Security

When choosing an online publishing software solution, it is important to consider the security features available to protect your content.

User Access Controls

If your content includes sensitive information, the platform should allow configuring granular user access controls such as:

– Requiring logins/passwords to access content

– Allowing access only to users with paid subscriptions

– Restricting access based on IP ranges or geography

– Offering tiered access levels for different user roles

Prioritize platforms that offer flexible user authentication and authorization to securely manage who can view your content.

Robust security controls are crucial for protecting digital content from unauthorized access. Evaluate available user access options to choose a platform that secures your content while still providing a positive user experience.

4. Free trial

A software vendor who believes in his product never hesitates to provide a free trial of his product. Typically, the period of this free trial ranges between 10 and 20 days. You can have this free trial to experience the pros and cons of the software solution.

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