Man Vs Women Key Physical Differances


The scientific name describing the morphological differences between men and females of a species is “sexual dimorphism.” There are other extreme examples: For example, female anglerfish outsmart and outsize their small, parasitic male counterparts, whereas peacocks significantly outcompete peahens.

Unlike those animals, men and women are more alike than dissimilar in terms of physical characteristics. However, our bodies differ in a few significant ways. Some of them are made specifically for the job that each sex performs in reproduction, while others are there to help us distinguish one another and to fuel our desire for one another.

Chests VS breast

Men have flat chests (but still have nipples), while women have breasts. Why?

Primate females are consistently lustful, even in non-breastfeeding situations. Although there are other ideas, most scientists believe that breasts are an evolutionary ploy to attract males; despite being loaded with fat rather than milk, they indicate a woman’s abundant capacity to provide for her offspring.

Men can choose whom to pursue to have successful reproduction, thanks to their breasts. Girls in their prepubescent years do not have breasts, while postmenopausal women often have smaller, saggier breasts. A plump, buoyant bosom may consequently show fertility.

Men don’t have breasts because they aren’t attempting to deceive women into believing they can nurse. But they do have nipples: This is because the genes responsible for developing the nipples activate in utero, and this occurs even before the genes responsible for determining our gender are fully developed.

Big Apple Vs small apple

Both sexes have cartilage around their voice boxes; however, men’s cartilage protrudes more because their voice boxes are more significant, giving them deeper voices. This causes them to develop Adam’s apples on their necks.

However, why do men’s voices sound deeper than women’s? This is because a man’s vocal pitch is directly correlated with his level of testosterone, a male sex hormone that indicates both his genetic quality and sexual fitness. Studies have repeatedly shown that women are more drawn to guys with softer voices because they have evolved to seek out individuals who exhibit every sign of health and fitness. They want to have a healthy partner with whom to have children.

Face shapes difference

A man’s brow, cheekbones, and jawline are more potent the more testosterone he has. In contrast, a woman’s face seems broader, her lips are fuller, and her eyebrows are higher when she has more significant estrogen levels. Sex hormones, in brief, regulate the differences in the facial characteristics of men and women.

Higher testosterone levels have also been linked to chiseled jaws, male aggressiveness, muscular power, and genetic vigor. Studies have shown that women see males with more angular features as more dominating than those with rounder, more effeminate faces, maybe because of this.

Additionally, women tend to find males with masculine traits more appealing, particularly when they are ovulating and, thus, unconsciously, searching for a male partner who would bear them healthy children. Conversely, research indicates that women like men with more feminine characteristics, lower testosterone levels, and a propensity for becoming devoted partners and dads when they’re searching for a long-term relationship.

Hairy Vs. Not

Men acquire far more hair on their bodies, particularly their faces than women after puberty. This is because males have higher levels of the sex hormones known as androgens, which promote hair growth.

However, what controls the development pattern of male hair? Specifically, why do guys grow beards?

Most evolutionary psychologists think that beards became commonplace because, over most of our evolutionary history, women preferred males with facial hair to those without, increasing the likelihood that they would mate with bearded men. This attraction may result from the fact that beards not only indicate elevated testosterone levels but also, similarly to female breasts, indicate sexual maturity. Additionally, by making a man’s jaw seem larger than it is, they may also show dominance.

Conversely, the same testosterone that causes men’s bodies to burst with hair also causes men to grow bald in their older years.

Fair vs. Swarthy

Beautiful women are stereotyped as blond and fair-skinned, whereas handsome males are often portrayed as dark. Contrary to popular belief, these stereotypes are not exclusive to Anglo-European societies. “Although virtually all cultures express a marked preference for fair female skin, even those with little or no exposure to European imperialism, and even those whose members are heavily pigmented, many are indifferent to male pigmentation or even prefer men to be darker” University of Washington sociologist Pierre van den Berghe wrote in the forward of a 2005 book on the subject, “Fair Women, Dark Men,” written by Peter Frost.

Intrinsically more masculine or feminine pigmentations may influence opinions on the “ideal” coloring for each gender. These broad preferences reflect that women tend to have lighter skin, hair, and eyes than males, starting at puberty and continuing throughout all populations.

The ratio of a woman’s index and ring finger lengths indicates the lightness of her skin, and the digit ratio itself suggests the amount of estrogen the woman was exposed to throughout her pregnancy. Because of this, experts think that estrogen exposure before birth somehow “programs” the lightening of female skin throughout puberty. Studies have also shown that blond individuals had more excellent digit ratios than dark-haired individuals, indicating that increased estrogen exposure is partly responsible for hair lightening.

Muscular vs. curvy

In general, males have more muscle mass than women. Women are more robust than males regarding upper body strength, but lower body strength is around two-thirds as vital.

The female metabolism turns more food into fat than the male metabolism, which burns calories more quickly. Women retain excess fat in their buttocks, hips, breasts, and subcutaneous fat, which is found in the skin’s lowermost layer and gives a woman’s complexion a softer, plumper appearance.

The bodies of men and women are ideally suited to their respective roles in prehistoric societies. Because women are designed to carry and deliver children, they need to have larger hips to store additional fat for the challenges of pregnancy. Men gain from being as strong and lean as feasible while competing with other men and when the demands of childbearing do not burden them.

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